Benefits of Cotton Period Care

June 01, 2022 2 min read

Veeda feminine products are made with GMO-free cotton to ensure that the most sensitive part of your body only comes into contact with the purest ingredients. Cotton is one of the world’s oldest known fibres and remains the most widely used natural fibre in the world.

Using cotton products has several benefits over conventional products that generally contain synthetics and rayon. Cotton fibres are substantially finer than other fibres, making it feel soft and comfortable. Not only is cotton soft, but it is also recommended for people with sensitive skin or allergies as its gentle on the skin and does not cause irritation. Due to its breathable nature, cotton doesn’t trap heat, allowing heat produced by the body to escape, keeping it cool and dry. Our products are dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic meaning they are safe for all skin types.

Cotton is really absorbent meaning it holds more water than synthetic fibres and draws moisture away from the body (like a towel), allowing the skin to breathe. Its superior wet-strength makes it more tear-resistant and therefore perfect for products that require exposure to liquids. This means that you can rely on cotton to not fall apart when you need it most!

Another significant feature is that cotton is biodegradable, 100% natural, annually renewable resource. Since 100% pure cotton is made by nature, it biodegrades by nature and won’t build up in landfill.  Our GMO-Free cotton is grown naturally, not manufactured or altered, and sourced directly from a global network of leading cotton traders.

Our feminine products are made to be better for you and better for the planet. Sustainably sourced and manufactured Veeda period care is made without fragrances, harsh chemicals or dyes. Our products are both functional and comfortable offering ultra-absorbent leak proof protection without compromising on quality. Feel comfortable counting on Veeda to be your choice of safe and reliable period care every month.

Medical Disclaimer: Articles are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment. Ask a medical professional if you have any health-related questions or concerns.

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