Yeast Infection: Most Common Causes & Remedies

November 09, 2018 2 min read

The dreaded yeast infection can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing topic, but it is a much more common condition than you might think. In fact, an estimated 75% of women at some point in their lifetime will have at least one yeast infection, while 40% to 45% of women will have multiple recurring episodes.

What Is A Yeast Infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is an imbalance of normal bacteria and yeast that naturally live within the vagina. Lactobacilli is considered “good” bacteria and flourishes with the help of estrogen hormones. When a woman’s body is hormonally off-balance, the fungus ‘candida’ can spread, causing what is commonly known as a yeast infection.

Yeast Infection Common Symptoms

  • Vaginal swelling, including redness
  • Itching and burning, the latter especially during urination
  • Painful intercourse
  • White, odorless and thick discharge similar to cottage cheese

What Causes Yeast Infection?

Yeast infections are oftentimes attributed to typical hormonal changes due to pregnancy or even breastfeeding. Yeast infections can also occur on or around the nipples and breasts. Other hormonal changes such as menopause can trigger yeast infections. Orally ingested medication such as antibiotics can often inadvertently kill good bacteria in your vagina that is meant to ward of infections. Sexual contact is another way to contract a yeast infection, though in this case it’s technically not considered an STD (sexually transmitted disease.)

Unclean or improper menstrual hygiene can also allow for candida growth, causing a yeast infection to easily spread.

Other Causes

  • Wearing a pad too long during menstruation
  • Not washing your hands before or after changing sanitary pads
  • Feminine hygiene products that contain irritants such as chemicals, synthetics and perfumes
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Weakened immune system
  • Personal lubricants


Yeast infections can often be treated with over-the-counter vaginal suppositories as well as external creams. Women are also recommended to not wear pantyhose or bathing suits for too long. Underwear should also be made from breathable material such as cotton. During menstruation, pads and tampons should be changed regularly for maximum prevention.

Why Natural Feminine Hygiene Products Are the Healthy Approach

Natural cotton tampons, pads, and liners from Veeda are guaranteed to be hypoallergenic and dermatologically-tested. This is very important for vaginal health. In fact, statistics show that yeast infections are less likely to occur with natural products that contain no chemicals and fragrances. Veeda is made with non-GMO natural cotton. During what might be a stressful period battling PMS while juggling work and kids, who has time to worry about what’s touching their most sensitive parts? 

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