How do toxins enter our bodies?

December 01, 2021 2 min read

Skin is the body’s largest organ, accounting for more than 10% of body mass.

We don’t yet know how quickly chemicals end up on the bloodstream, or what percentage end up in the bloodstream, but we do know that many pharmaceuticals are effectively delivered trans-dermally via patches and creams. In the same way, chemicals in personal care products are also absorbed through your skin.

Research has shown that bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic component and synthetic estrogen, has been detected in the umbilical cord blood of 9 out of 10 American infants. The tests found 232 chemicals in the 10 newborns as evidence that babies still in the womb are being exposed to complex mixtures of dangerous substances which may have lifelong consequences. To date, Environmental Working Group (EWG) studies have found up to 493 industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides in people, from newborns through to grandparents.

The human body can carry a burden of chemicals and pollutants that can remain present for many years after exposure has been removed. These chemicals can be stored in body tissue, blood, or bones, creating a body burden. Repeated exposure to chemicals can lead to a bioaccumulation of chemicals that can increase our risk for certain diseases such as cancer. Every child carries a chemical body burden passed on from its mother during pregnancy. This burden will continue to grow throughout the child’s lifetime based on its own exposure to chemicals.

A 2015 report identified that many chemicals, when combined over time in the human body through low-dose exposures, can cause the initiation of cancer.

Most conventional tampons are made up of rayon, synthetic fibres and polyester. Chlorine bleaching takes place in the manufacturing process using dioxins to make the tampon white. The World Health Organization classifies dioxins as “highly toxic” and categorizes them as a “known human carcinogen.” A carcinogen is a substance that promotes the formation of cancer cells in living tissue and disrupts hormones.

Dioxins are very long-lived, build up both in the body and in the food chain, are powerful carcinogens and can also affect the immune and reproductive systems.

Products that simply list the catch-all term “fragrance” as an ingredient can sometimes mean hidden phthalates. Fragrance can include dozens of undisclosed chemicals, volatile solvents, and molecule stabilizers that can enter the bloodstream through the skin.

Veeda tampons are made with naturally soft, absorbent 100% pure GMO-Free cotton, that’s it, nothing else! Our 100% natural cotton is sourced directly from a global network of leading cotton traders and all cotton is cleansed with an oxygen cleansing process, not chlorine-bleached, for a healthier eco-friendlier product. This process removes all dirt and impurities including any synthetic matter and this is the exact same process by which all organic cotton is cleansed with, to ensure it also has no synthetic substances. This ensures that the final tampons are truly 100% natural cotton.

Veeda natural tampons are lab-tested for over 250 harmful chemicals and contain no wood or synthetic fibres, no additives or pesticides, and no dioxins.

Consider making a better choice for both your body and the planet by switching to Veeda natural period care.

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