What makes tampons white?

December 03, 2021 2 min read

Tampons are the most commonly used sanitary item with 86% of U.S. women using them over alternative sanitary products. So why are we so unaware of what’s really in them and their impact on our bodies?

Chances are that you have sensitive skin. Trust me, you aren’t alone – 99.6% of women have sensitive skin. We care so much about knowing what we eat and how it impacts us but why don’t we give the same care as to what we use around our most fragile and sensitive part of our bodies? The average woman uses approximately 11,000 feminine care products in her lifetime. This number shows how important it is to treat your privates with care and recognise what is good or bad for your body.

Many conventional tampons are made with a blend of:

  • Rayon
  • Polyester
  • Synthetics
  • Fragrance
  • Bleached cotton
  • Chlorine bleaching

Most conventional tampons are made up of rayon, synthetic fibres and polyester in attempt to increase the absorbency of the tampon. Chlorine bleaching takes place in the manufacturing process to make the tampon appear white. In this process they use a nasty group of chemicals which are called dioxins. Dioxins are a big concern; the World Health Organization calls dioxins “highly toxic” and categorizes them as a “known human carcinogen.”

Fragranced feminine care is also a concern for many women as it can raise a woman’s exposure to phthalates, a class of suspected endocrine disrupters some research has linked to developmental issues like lower IQs and higher rates of asthma.


Make a better choice.

Why Veeda fem care?

At Veeda, we source our 100% natural cotton directly from a global network of leading cotton traders and all cotton is cleansed with an oxygen cleansing process, not chlorine-bleached, for a healthier eco-friendlier product. This process removes all dirt and impurities including any synthetic matter and this is the exact same process by which all organic cotton is cleansed with to ensure it also has no synthetic substances. Thus, our finished products are 100% natural cotton. 

Our tampons are lab-tested for over 250 harmful chemicals and contain no wood or synthetic fibres, no additives or pesticides, and no dioxins. Another reason we choose to use only 100% pure, hypoallergenic cotton, is because cotton does not contribute to the growth of the bacteria that causes Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), irritation and allergic reactions.

Veeda is gentle on your body and on the earth, you can feel good about using Veeda’s 100% natural cotton for your period, month after month. With Veeda, you don’t have to compromise the health of your body or our planet whilst still getting the comfort and care you deserve. Consider making a better choice for both your body and the planet by switching to Veeda fem care.


Additional Resources

Kumeh, T. (2010). What’s Really in That Tampon.https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2010/10/whats-really-tampon-and-pad/

Oaklander, M. (2014). Plastic Chemicals During Pregnancy Linked to 70% Increased Asthma Risk.https://time.com/3393376/phthalates-linked-to-asthma/

World Health Organisation. (2016). Dioxins and Their Effects on Human Health.https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dioxins-and-their-effects-on-human-health

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