Why is GMO-Free Cotton Important?

January 31, 2022 2 min read

Conventionally grown GMO cotton is one of the most toxic crops in the world, accounting for up to 25% of the world’s use of insecticides for its 2.5% of global cropland!

These toxic agrochemicals are linked to cancer, infertility, and birth defects, and unfortunately due to the heavy irrigation required to grow cotton, these chemicals are quickly washed into nearby rivers and groundwater. From there, these chemicals permeate into every part of the ecosystem, contaminating drinking water, land, food, and the air we breathe.

Skin is the body’s largest organ and whilst we don’t yet know how quickly and what percentage of chemicals end up in the bloodstream, we do know that many pharmaceuticals are effectively delivered trans-dermally via patches and creams. In the same way, chemicals in personal care products are also absorbed through the skin.

When you consider the mix of dangerous chemicals that GMO cotton in personal care products have been sprayed with, the skin is potentially being exposed to accumulative amounts of toxic ingredients, soaking into the body.

The human body can carry a burden of chemicals and pollutants that can remain present for many years after exposure has been removed. These chemicals can be stored in body tissue, blood, or bones, creating a body burden. Repeated exposure to chemicals can lead to a bioaccumulation of chemicals that can increase our risk for certain diseases such as cancer. Every child carries a chemical body burden passed on from its mother during pregnancy. This burden will continue to grow throughout the child’s lifetime based on its own exposure to chemicals.

A 2015 report identified that many chemicals, when combined over time in the human body through low-dose exposures, can cause the initiation of cancer. 

Veeda feminine hygiene products are made with pure, hypoallergenic, 100% natural GMO-Free cotton, grown naturally, not manufactured or altered. This means that not only are our products naturally soft, comfortable, and absorbent, but you are also safe and free from harsh chemicals.

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